
Belgium's first pyrolysis plant

with the capacity to recycle 20,000 tonnes of tyres per year.

One of the current challenges facing our world is the fight against the increasing production of waste. Waste tyres have been identified as one of the main environmental problems, due to their non-biodegradable nature and the storage space required. ReNewGreen is responding to this ecological disaster by setting up the first pyrolysis recycling and recovery plant for used tyres in Belgium.


Pollution from used tyres is leading to serious environmental impacts.

Today, 98% of used tyres in Belgium - around 85,000 tonnes per year - are either exported to North African countries before being driven off into the desert, or burnt in cement works. ReNewGreen is responding to this ecological disaster by setting up the first pyrolysis recycling & recovery plant for used tyres in Belgium.


Recycling tyres by pyrolysis is a green and ecological solution, in a 100% circular and self-sufficient economy.

Pyrolysis technology offers a unique solution for recycling used tyres. Pyrolysis is a process that has existed for many years and has reached full industrial maturity. The process is based on a tyre shredding process prior to its recovery: under the effect of heat (from 400 to 800°C), pyrolysis decomposes the tyre shavings and allows the recovery of high added value materials :

  • Pyrolysis oil

  • Carbon black

  • Gas

  • Steel


Recycling end-of-life tyres by pyrolysis can cut the use of fossil raw materials and reduce CO2 emissions.

Sustainable Development Goals

Sustainable development is a key driver for ReNewGreen. For this reason, we are committed to the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) program to drive progress in the economic, sociological and ecological fields.

Where to find us?

With a production site in Belgium (Feluy), ReNewGreen now strengthen its development in order to prepare the company to raise the necessary funds to realise the project.

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